Picking a mohel can be an overwhelming experience. Most parents reach out to their friends for assistance but meeting with potential mohalim and discussing their practices is the best way to know who's right for you. Here is the pamphlet which will soon be given out in the hospitals in Israel to help parents navigate this process.
If anything, the attack on metzitzah b’peh only strengthened the practice within the Chareidi community, as now this was viewed as a milchemet mitzvah—a religious war to defend a centuries-old tradition.
April 3, 2017
Oral suction was originally (if, now, mistakenly) intended as a hygienic, not halachic, act. Now that we know better, this dangerous practice must be stopped.
Monuments of stone may disappear; acts of commitment to God, ethics, or Jewish identity resound forever
Bris Milah, Clamps, and Metzitzah b'Peh
Rav Moshe Tendler​
Rav Morey Schwartz
Rav Morey Schwartz
Rav David Brofsky
Cantor Philip L. Sherman
Rabbi Yechiel Michel HaLevi Epstein
Rabbi Yechiel Michel HaLevi Epstein
Author of the Orach HaShulchan
Rabbi Moshe Schreiber
The Hatam Sofer
Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz