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If anything, the attack on metzitzah b’peh only strengthened the practice within the Chareidi community, as now this was viewed as a milchemet mitzvah—a religious war to defend a centuries-old tradition.

April 3, 2017

Oral suction was originally (if, now, mistakenly) intended as a hygienic, not halachic, act. Now that we know better, this dangerous practice must be stopped.

Monuments of stone may disappear; acts of commitment to God, ethics, or Jewish identity resound forever

Bris Milah, Clamps, and Metzitzah b'Peh

Rav Moshe Tendler​

Bris Milah Clamps and Metzitzah Bapeh - Rav Moshe Tendler
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Hilchot Milah II - Unknown Artist
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Rav Morey Schwartz

Rav Morey Schwartz


Magen HaBrit is an organization committed to both protecting our sacred ritual of Brit Milah as well as the children who undergo it. From helping you pick a mohel, to making sure that that mohel will use a pipet upon request, Magen Habrit is here to help. Get the latest information about the attempted circumcision bans worldwide, and help join the movement stop these bans in your very own backyard. Magen HaBrit is your number one source for all the information you need to know, before during and after your son's Brit Milah.

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