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If anything, the attack on metzitzah b’peh only strengthened the practice within the Chareidi community, as now this was viewed as a milchemet mitzvah—a religious war to defend a centuries-old tradition.

April 3, 2017

Oral suction was originally (if, now, mistakenly) intended as a hygienic, not halachic, act. Now that we know better, this dangerous practice must be stopped.

Monuments of stone may disappear; acts of commitment to God, ethics, or Jewish identity resound forever

Bris Milah, Clamps, and Metzitzah b'Peh

Rav Moshe Tendler​

Bris Milah Clamps and Metzitzah Bapeh - Rav Moshe Tendler
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Hilchot Milah II - Unknown Artist
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Rav Morey Schwartz

Rav Morey Schwartz

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